What happens when your son saves his money and buys Rock Band 2, then you get it home and it doesn’t work? You fix it, of course.
There’s actually much more to the story. The first problem was when I came home with Rock Band 2 for Xbox 360. We have an Xbox and a PlayStation2 and I’m forever getting mixed up on what games go with what system. We have the original Rock Band for the PS2, so in order to use the drums and guitar, we have to have Rock Band 2 for the PS2 also. So I drive back to the mall and exchange the Xbox version for a PS2 version.
We put the disc in and we get a “disc read error.” I try cleaning the PS2 with a DVD lens cleaner disc, cleaning the Rock Band 2 disc itself, and resetting the system again and again. Nada. Tears and anger from the boy. But he gets online and Googles “how to fix Rock Band 2″ which brings us to a couple forums full of irate Rock Band owners who also had trouble getting the game to work on PS2. One solution that popped up several times suggested taking the PS2 apart and cleaning the lens.
We watch this video on Fixing the PS2 Disc Read Error. I am wary but willing to give it a try. My anxiety-ridden son is freaking out at this point. What if we break the system and none of the games ever play again? But, but, but… we have to try because he wants to play the game. Waaaahhhhh!
We gather the screwdrivers and Qtips and rubbing alcohol and begin the operationEwww… Check out the dust!
It was extremely simple to open the system and clean the lens. Then, the big test… Will Rock Band 2 load up and run?
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